Rising Out of the Ashes

Woodleigh Farms, Ontario, CA

When tragedy struck Norm’s property, he took the opportunity to turn a greenhouse into an engine of growth for the family’s regenerative farm. 

Norm’s family was already building a powerful regenerative legacy.

Years ago, Norm’s family recognized the damage conventional farming was doing to their soil. In response, this 6th generation family farm transformed itself into a wildly diverse showcase of regenerative land management techniques.

Woodleigh Farm’s 500-acre property is home to:

  • A diverse range of field crops including corn, soybeans, wheat, oats, straw, hay, and even firewood!
  • A 1,500-tap maple syrup farm.
  • A 3-acre market garden open to the public which produces fruits, vegetables, starter plants, and house perennials.

They practice crop rotation, the use of cover crops, and variable rate fertilization and also use clean energy solutions wherever possible. They’re also committed to no-till practices throughout the farm, which reduces soil compacting and CO2 emissions.

Some of their most fervent, innovative efforts have centered around using compost as soil amendments to restore and maintain the health of their soil.  

  • Their commercial compost operation takes municipal leaf and yard waste, composts it, and applies nearly 500 tons of material to their fields and gardens every year.
  • Using their own resources, they compost hay from harvested crops, mulch deadwood from the forested areas of their property, and even chip the branches leftover from their firewood business to use as soil amendments.

Over the years, they’ve become a true leader in regenerative practices, serving as a key research partner for regenerative organizations.

But all of this incredible progress was dealt a tragic blow in 2018 when a fire obliterated five buildings and 30,000 square feet of their historic farm.

The Challenge

Rebuilding for a Regenerative Future

In the aftermath of the Woodleigh Farms fire, an opportunity presented itself. They could rebuild in alignment with the farm’s new identity as a hub for regenerative practices.

As Norm thought about this, he set his sights on the hole left behind by the property’s burnt down bank barn. A bank barn is simply a barn built into a natural bank on the land, and now, the bank could be used as natural insulation in building an energy-efficient greenhouse.

The farm’s previous greenhouse had also been lost, but it was a very traditional, tunnel-shaped structure without any climate control capabilities. It did little to add to the longevity of the farm’s growing season.

In 2020, Norm began the task of designing a passive solar greenhouse where the barn once stood. His search for expertise led him to 5th World Founder and Senior Advisor, Rob Avis. 

Norm harnessed the power of the sun to secure the farm’s future.

Passive solar designs create intensely energy-efficient structures which use the sun’s natural heat to maintain a stable growing climate year-round.

Normally, 5th World designs innovative, passive solar greenhouses from the very beginning. In this case, Norm had already engaged with contractors for the build. His need was for an expert in the systems which would make it a reality.

Fortunately, 5th World’s Rob Avis is a leading voice in regeneration because of his unique blend of engineering and regenerative land management experience. He understands the intersection between the two worlds, and he has a particular passion for the engineering challenges of passive solar greenhouse technology.

Through Rob, 5th World’s guidance empowered Norm to:

  • Design the passive heating systems needed to utilize climate battery (subterrainian geothermal system), energy mass storage, and heat sinks (earthship) technologies.  
  • Understand the technical calculations needed like the volume of air which needed to be moved.
  • Select the best building materials for his insulation, roofing, and piping materials for air exchange systems.

What are your goals?

As pioneers in the field of regenerative land management, we’ve spent years refining our processes. We help you identify your resources, define your goals, and develop a laser-sharp strategy for success.

Meet the cascading benefits of a passive solar centerpiece…

In regenerative design, a greenhouse is never just a greenhouse. 

Everything in regenerative design is deeply interconnected. Understanding a property’s unique ecosystem is the key to unleashing its power to restore itself and thrive, and 5th World guides landowners to see these connections and leverage them for success.

Building Woodleigh Farm’s 1,800 square foot greenhouse created a thriving, integrated centerpiece for the property which unleashed a waterfall of benefits.

The structure itself has become an attractive focal point of the property.

It draws people to the farm and serves as a powerful storytelling device for the farm’s commitment to regenerative land management.

The greenhouse itself gives their market garden a year-round growing season.

This gives them greater inventory and a massive leg up on their busy summer season.

The increased traffic to the market garden also boosts sales

for the legacy maple syrup business, the firewood business, and the farm as a whole.


The greenhouse itself gives their market garden a year-round growing season.

This gives them greater inventory and a massive leg up on their busy summer season.


The structure itself has become an attractive focal point of the property.

It draws people to the farm and serves as a powerful storytelling device for the farm’s commitment to regenerative land management.


The structure itself has become an attractive focal point of the property.

for the legacy maple syrup business, the firewood business, and the farm as a whole.

Norm’s greenhouse is a symbol of the farm’s resilience in overcoming tragedy and its hopeful, regenerative future, and 5th World is proud to have played a role in making Norm’s redemptive dream a reality.

“Rob was certainly instrumental in building our greenhouse, and it really is a talking point amongst the local community here. It’s a showcase piece for us and central to our farm’s future success.”


Regeneration is within reach, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Consulting Services

5th World’s consultants are among the world’s leading voices in regenerative land management. Their proven process transforms your land into a resilient source of food, water, and energy for generations to come.

Greenhouse Design

In addition to consulting, we design and build regenerative greenhouses. Discover how a custom, state-of-the-art greenhouse can be the centerpiece of your property’s design.

Norm’s story cuts right to the heart of Regenerative Land Management. His journey highlights our guiding principles at 5th World Consulting.


Our world’s ecosystems are collapsing. We need landowners who are willing to show the world a hopeful path. Even though it often feels like the world is falling off of a cliff, humans can be just as regenerative as we are destructive!


As much as regeneration is about survival, it is also about living in abundance and hope! There is great joy in building an anti-fragile, holistic, resilient ecosystem that provides a bountiful supply of food, water, and energy for your loved ones.


Without a clear process to follow, the work of regenerating your land overwhelms as you try to solve every problem at once. We help you figure out where to focus your efforts for the greatest impact.