Regenerating Life Against All Odds

Saskatchewan, CA

Learn how Louise took 10 acres of the most arid, forbidding land in Canada and created a thriving, resilient property full of life.

Meet a small farm driven by big ideas.

When Louise started her regenerative land management journey, she had two main goals in mind.

  • First, she wanted to be self-sufficient, to create the most antifragile (resilient) property possible in terms of its ability to produce food, clean water, and energy.
  • Second, she cares deeply about the future of our planet. She sees the damage centuries of mankind’s attempts to control nature have done, and she wants to show the world a better path.

Many landowners share these motivations. They also share something else in common. 

Once landowners begin the journey of transforming their land, it’s immediately overwhelming. In this universal truth, size doesn’t matter. Many of our clients are dealing with hundreds if not thousands of acres. Louise had ten, but every ecosystem is incredibly complex.

The Challenge

Combatting a long legacy of dry land.

Every property is complex, but the problems each one faces are unique.

The key to managing the overwhelming scope of a regeneration project is finding the land’s greatest weakness first and addressing it. This makes the journey ahead feel manageable and initiates a cascade of benefits for the rest of the property.

In the case of Louise’s farm, the chief problem was easy to pinpoint. 

Her farm lies just outside of Regina, Saskatchewan within Palliser’s Triangle, one of the harshest environments in Canada. The land is arid, and its relentless wind evaporates water from the land.

In fact, just like the Midwestern United States, damaging agricultural practices in this region once formed a treacherous dust bowl in the 1930’s and contributed to the Great Depression in Canada.

Against such odds, Louise still believed in the potential of regenerative land management to create abundant, biodiverse life on her land.

The Strategy: Save the water and block the wind.

Louise came to Rob Avis, 5th World’s Co-Founder and Senior Advisor, for guidance on a pathway forward, and he helped Louise find a way to break her project into manageable chunks. Her initial goals were simple and clear.

  1. Develop a Holistic Water Management Plan. The land needed to be reshaped to capture and store rainwater and runoff.
  2. Establish a Shelter Belt Around the Property. A barrier, or “belt” of trees around the property would form a windbreak to protect its water supply from evaporation.

Both goals were deeply interdependent. A shelter belt can’t be established without a plan to supply the water the trees need to grow.

What are your goals?

As pioneers in the field of regenerative land management, we’ve spent years refining our processes. We help you identify your resources, define your goals, and develop a laser-sharp strategy for success.

The Pathway: Creating an independent, resilient ecosystem.

For water collection,

two ponds were built, connected by a swale which ran throughout the property, capturing and routing water for storage. In addition, a rainwater harvesting system was installed in the farmhouse.

Shelter Belts

are a long-term project, but Louise has been steadily planting evergreens of diverse sizes around the perimeter of her land. Thanks to the water captured on the land, they are able to thrive.

Along the way, Rob guided Louise to add additional resilient systems into the property.


have been established, and rabbits and chickens are raised to create a well-rounded food supply.

Solar Power

and a system of generators and batteries give the property energy independence. 

The Outcome: Powerful results and a promising future.

Louise will be the first to say she has a long way to go in the transformation in her farm, but notching early victories and having clear processes to follow for further progress has made all the difference. In fact, at the time of writing this, she is looking into purchasing a second property!

As a single woman, Louise’s goal is nothing short of total independence. Though her land is capable of much more, she already has:

  1. A food supply which could sustain her for at least 2 years.
  2. Energy infrastructure which could power her property for 20 years or more.
  3. A consistent, resilient water supply which will only grow stronger over time.

Meanwhile, every regenerative land management project pays further dividends beyond its initial goals. 

  • For example, the trees she planted have created a new habitat for birds. Migrating birds are a key nutrient cycler and bring critical fertilizing agents to the farm’s soil.
  • Some of the benefits are strictly for the soul. Louise’s pond features a small, peaceful dock, an ideal place to enjoy dinner and the ducks swimming nearby.

Louise also has the opportunity to farm the land for profit. Many projects start with this goal in mind. Others embrace it over time. In either case, the abundance regeneration produces makes it possible for owners to generate a substantial, consistent income.

5th World is proud to partner with Louise on her quest for independence, and we look forward to the years ahead.

Regeneration is within reach, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.

Consulting Services

5th World’s consultants are among the world’s leading voices in regenerative land management. Their proven process transforms your land into a resilient source of food, water, and energy for generations to come.

Greenhouse Design

In addition to consulting, we design and build regenerative greenhouses. Discover how a custom, state-of-the-art greenhouse can be the centerpiece of your property’s design.

Louise’s journey cuts right to the heart of Regenerative Land Management. Her story highlights our guiding principles at 5th World Consulting.


Our world’s ecosystems are collapsing. We need landowners who are willing to show the world a hopeful path. Even though it often feels like the world is falling off of a cliff, humans can be just as regenerative as we are destructive!


As much as regeneration is about survival, it is also about living in abundance and hope! There is great joy in building an anti-fragile, holistic, resilient ecosystem that provides a bountiful supply of food, water, and energy for your loved ones.


Without a clear process to follow, the work of regenerating your land overwhelms as you try to solve every problem at once. We help you figure out where to focus your efforts for the greatest impact.